Friday, December 18, 2009

merry christmas

Finished for hols today - the children were very excited 'cos of the overnight snow!
Hope everyone has a great Christmas.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas decorations

In between finishing bits and pieces off, we had time to make a few decorations today.

Simple paper strips. The red/green one is suitable for hanging on a tree, the white one looks great hanging at a window. The children did really well with them - simple but effective.

Friday, December 11, 2009

naked pegs

Have been whittling again! A trio of peggy's, not yet painted or embellished. Have a few ideas going round in my little head about a different style of paint job - ie. not like previous ones where they 'represented' footy players etc (see previous posts). The actual design has also been tweaked slightly (can you spot the difference?). Might be after Crimble before they get done though.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

xmas cards

In between giving a mini xmas concert (cornets, clarinets) to the rest of school + parents, we had a go at making some crimble cards today. We stitched and origami'd various designs.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

collage version

Here's one I collaged earlier.


A sketch, in a new style I've recently been playing with, done in my pocket moleskine.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Trying to help the children understand factors/products - came up with this Christmas themed way of representing them to make it a bit more interesting.