Thursday, March 4, 2010

character box

Came up with a 'character box' (there must be a better name!) today - probably not an original idea, but not a clue as to where I might have seen it. If it is original -yay!, if not, then I would be very happy to give credit where it's due if anyone has the relevant info.
I'm thinking of using it in class where the figure, with an appropriately altered design, could be historical (Roman soldier, Victorian child etc), fictional or famous. I envisage the children writing facts/info on the enclosed booklet and maybe also putting small objects in the tray ie. button, coin. I could've used matchboxes but didn't have any to hand. Anyway, just thought I'd share.

It would also work for stories - it'd be especially good for nursery rhymes, with the main character (Humpty Dumpty, Jack/Jill etc) on the front and the text inside the box. For emerging readers the narrative could be told as a picture sequence.

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