Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Escher & Rousseau

Last week our y5/6's looked at the work of M.C. Escher. We focused on his 'altered' perspective works. We then had a go at drawing, in a very simplified way, our own versions. Rotate your screen or tilt your head to see if we managed it.

Yesterday I took apart a broken chair and reassembled the pieces into the rough shape of a horse. I intend to use it, once it's been fettled a bit, as part of a y3 Trojan horse piece (they are currently studying the Ancient Greeks).

In class the y2's have been learning all about the weather and in Literacy have been writing non-chronological reports about cheetah's, so today, after looking at and discussing Henri Rousseau's painting - 'Surprised!', we drew preliminary sketches (in readiness for paintings next week) of a cheetah in a storm-lashed jungle! 

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