Thursday, May 5, 2011

life circles

In science we are currently 'doing' life cycles. In art therefore I showed the children how easy it was to create recognisable images from circles (life 'circles'). I demonstrated how they could use the same basic template to create pictures of a wide variety of animals - see my 'here's one I did earlier' pics for the polar bear, dog, lion and elephant. I also showed them that the lion could, by the judicious use of spots, stripes etc., become virtually any big cat.

Have put together a very rough dummy copy of my 4-way story book and have decided to send it off to agents/publishers to gauge the response - wish me luck.

1 comment:

lisa stubbs said...

great idea! it's wonderful how the children inspire your work, and as I commented earlier it's their confidence and learning and enjoyment during the process rather than the finished product which is the best bit, well it is for me watching my kids be creative :)